Terminal paraense da Santos Brasil will receive contributions of R $ 129 million until 2033; in April, landing operation registered 43.25 MPH
The Container Terminal of Santos Brasil in Pará, Tecon Vila do Conde, located in the city of Barcarena, 96 km away from the capital of Pará, Belém, hit last April 29, its productivity record reaching the mark of 43 , 25 moves per hour (mph). In all, 1,117 containers were handled in the landing operation carried out on the Lion ship of CMA CGM.
To maintain its performance, Santos Brasil announced investments of R $ 37 million over the next two years in Vila do Conde, totaling R $ 129 million through 2033. The amount is part of the terminal’s expansion and modernization project, which will increase its capacity to 163 thousand TEUs per year.
It is worth remembering that part of the equipment purchased has already begun to arrive. In April, Tecon received trucks and three reach stackers – two intended to move full containers and one to empty ones. In addition to these equipment, a mobile harbor crane (MHC) has already been acquired.
According to the company, the use of resources demonstrates Santos Brasil’s commitment to the region. In addition, the funds are essential for the terminal to meet the growing demand for handling and storage of containerized cargo.
The Tecon Vila do Conde is strategically located in the Amazon River delta, in a region of great waterway capillarity and proximity to the main international sea routes with access to all the continents directly or through transhipping ports of the Caribbean.
Since 2008, when it acquired the leasing company from the terminal, Santos Brasil has invested more than R $ 133.8 million in expansion and improvement of facilities, operational optimization, technology, training of labor and equipment.
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